Around December (the month of both Christmas and my birthday), I always come up with plenty of excuses to buy myself shiny new things. This time around, there’s one self-gift that I hold in particularly high regard: this beautiful forest green 12kg kettlebell by FitnessMad, complete with a rubber underside to protect your floors and a high-grip handle to protect your windows!
Having recently traded in my gym membership for classes at my favourite studios, I’ve missed having free reign to a selection of kettlebells. So when I did a little research on Amazon and discovered that I could get this beautiful number sent straight to my door for just £33, I whipped my card out faster than you can say Russian Twist. Which it just so happens is one of the many exercises you can do with a kettlebell! But as you’ve all mastered that one, I’ve chosen to demonstrate 10 other moves to try during either your gym or home workouts. (PS: in case you need further convincing, the kettlebell doubles as an alternative doorstop and comes in a variety of weights and colours to match both your training needs and interior decoration preferences.)
Why kettlebells over dumbells?
Although I’m not suggesting your rule out dumbbells for good, mixing it up with kettlebells is a great way to add more functional exercises to your training. While dumbbells typically work best across single planes of movement, the kettlebell’s weight is more easily transferred across 3D planes and calls to action more of your core muscles for stability. Plus, there are no big round plates at either end to obstruct your range of motion. Read: no more banging your shins on the descent from a woodchop. Speaking of which, here’s how you do one with a kettlebell…
Low woodchop
Works: Legs, abs, shoulders, back
Start from standing and lower into a mid-stance squat while twisting the kettlebell until it touches the floor just beside your left foot. Now explode up from your legs as you twist your torso and swing the kettlebell over your right shoulder – you should be far enough rotated to see the wall behind you. Bend from the hips to return to your low squat position. Switch sides once you’ve completed all your reps.
Works: Hamstrings, glutes, abs, arms
Start from standing and bend gently from the hips so the kettlebell falls between your legs. Now contracting your glutes, punch your hips forward and allow the explosion of movement to swing the kettlebell to shoulder height (hold on tight). While this will work your arms a little bit, it’s actually much more of a leg workout because that’s where the bulk of force is coming from. You’ll also be working the most important muscle of all: your heart. Keep this movement quick and powerful and you’ll have a cardio workout like no other.
Figure 8s
Works: Legs, abs, arms, brain
Mastered the Swing? Good, time to move onto this progression. Assume a hip-width stance with gently bent knees and fold at the hips to take the kettlebell between your legs, using your right hand only. Reach around your left leg with your left hand to grab the kettlebell and swing it straight out in front of you. Bend at the hips to pass the kettlebell back through your legs, then pass it to your right hand and repeat in a continuous figure 8 motion. Consider it a test of both your fitness and coordination.
Single-leg deadlift
Works: Hamstrings, core
Time to put your balance to the test. Assume a standing position, holding the kettlebell in your right hand generic viagra in usa. Engage your abs and take the weight in your right leg as you bend at the hip to lift your left leg directly behind you. Stop when the kettlebell grazes the floor, then return to standing slowly and steadily. Perform all your reps on one leg, then switch sides.
Squat twists
Works: Glutes, quads, core, arms
Hit play on ‘Low’ by Flo Rida for inspiration. Ready? Go! Squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor, holding the kettlebell upside down in an isometric bicep curl. Keeping your chest and shoulders upright, twist from your core until your shoulders face the left wall, then repeat to the right. Perform all your reps with good momentum while maintaining control throughout.
Around the worlds
Works: Arms, core
You know in Pilates class when they tell you to stand with your torso tall and your pelvis tucked? Well, do that. Now hold that position as you swing the kettlebell behind you and pass it from hand to hand. As you begin to feel more confident, try taking the kettlebell further away from you to increase the pull of gravity and make your arms and core work harder. That high-grip handle will come in handy here, too.
Jump overs
Works: Legs, heart
Drop the kettlebell. Gently… Now position yourself to one side of it and get ready for a quick cardio blast. Bend your knees and jump to the other side, landing with soft knees. Move back and forth as quickly as possible. You can add a mini hop in between jump overs or up the intensity by taking off as soon as your feet hit the ground.
Squat upright rows
Works: Legs, shoulders
From a standing position, holding the kettlebell with both hands in front of you, slowly drop your hips and lower into a squat until the weight grazes the floor. No cheating – keep your chest and shoulders lifted and your core engaged. On the way up, squeeze your glutes and row the kettlebell up to your chin as your elbows point directly toward the ceiling. Return to your squat slowly and steadily, ensuring the movement is as smooth as possible at either end.
Clean and press
Works: Back, shoulders, arms, core
From standing, with the kettlebell in your right hand and your palm facing behind you, whip the kettlebell up and over so your palm faces out and hovers in front of your shoulder. Now push the weight above your head. Hold at the top to make your lats work a little harder – shaking is good. Reverse the movement with control. For extra power during the ‘whip’ and ‘push’ phases, try bending at the knees and extending your legs for upward momentum.
Get ups
Works: Legs, core, back, shoulders
Combining an isometric hold with a dynamic movement requires strength, coordination and stability. Read: enviably toned abs. Hold your arm at the top of the clean and press position and slowly lower your right shin to the floor, followed by your left. Don’t let your elbow bend. Now plant your right foot on the floor and push through the heel to come to standing, placing your left foot beside it. Complete all your reps on one side, then switch hands and legs.
Recommended reps: 10-12 heavy; 15-20 light
Let me know how you get on with these moves, and feel free to make any special requests for my next exercise post. Please remember to share the workout with friends who may find it useful, and thank you in advance for helping me grow the Fit Brit Collective community!
I Love the kettlebells. Over dumbbells, send me some workouts
Thanks for these moves just started back training with a few months have about three stone to lose also for aerobic fitness started back at the Taekwondo after a break of 15 years just feeling the benifits after three months kettlebells next step starting with 10kgs and work up from there so hopefully these exercises will help to tone me up
Hi Tim,
Sounds like you’re making great progress. 10kg is a great weight, really versatile and easy to build in progressions like the Figure 8s once you’re ready for a change from regular swings. Hope these moves help!