Before I present the many merits of the workout du jour, I’m going to put my own bias on the table. Yes, I work in marketing for Sweaty Betty. And yes, I am among the team of trainers who will be teaching the fitness fashion brand’s free in-store classes. But all that aside I would still be singing the praises of Body By Simone – LA-born dance-based cardio workout founded by global fitness superstar and ex professional dancer Simone de la Rue.
I had the incredible opportunity to train with Simone a couple weeks ago, and in a few short hours I tried to bottle up as much of her endless enthusiasm and energy so I can unleash it this September. Why then, you ask? Because that’s the month of Sweaty Betty’s next Get Fit 4 Free campaign. And what exactly is that, you ask? Twice a year, Sweaty Betty launches a new workout programme with four weeks of free in-store classes, online workout videos and nutrition support to give a new and inspiring twist to your training. This September, that new twist is Body By Simone!

Left: Me with the legend herself, Simone De La Rue; Right: Matching outfits with long-time fitspo and Edinburgh’s new BBS instructor Lyndsay!
Here are five reasons to get excited now…
- The LA crowd knows best
As the reigning world capital of wellbeing, countless fitness trends and top studios have come from LA. If you’ve sprinted on the Woodway treadmills of Barry’s Bootcamp, pulled off The Wheel in SUP Yoga or ordered a kale smoothie from your local juice bar, you’ve followed in the footsteps of the West Coast thought-leaders. And in such an exciting centre of knowledge and activity, Body By Simone has cemented its place as the ‘it’ studio. Those Los Angelites won’t lead you astray.
- The endorphins feel fan-flipping-tastic
There’s no actual flipping in the Body By Simone workout, but you will feel your mood do a complete 360 in the 50 minute session. For everyone who took part in the preview workouts in Sweaty Betty’s headquarters, or the lucky Women’s Health readers who successfully won a place in the exclusive Sweaty Betty X Body By Simone Ace Hotel event, the most consistent highlight was the happiness factor. There’s something about Simone’s exercise and music selection that inspires you to leave your inhibitions at the door and throw your body into the workout. You’ll shimmy. You’ll sweat. You’ll smile from ear to ear. What’s not to love?
- It’s a full-body workout designed to challenge everybody
Simone de la Rue is 40 years old. I know, that little factoid brought my jaw to the floor, too. Her glowing skin and sculpture-like abs have a Benjamin Button effect that attracts Simone’s loyal celebrity following including her LA studio regulars Reese Witherspoon, Sandra Bullock and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. But what’s most wonderful about her workout is that it’s both accessible and challenging to absolutely everyone. With low and high intensity variations of every exercise, there’s a progression guaranteed to get your heart rate soaring. Plus, the high-rep conditioning tracks use light dumbbells and your own bodyweight to strengthen and chisel every muscle below the neck.
- You can say ‘I tried it first’ before its impending arrival in London
During my conversations with Simone, she revealed that London is next on her radar for a new studio. With packed locations in LA and NYC, fitness and dance enthusiasts in London are in for a treat. All that remains is to pin down an address – as a former Broadway dancer, I’m betting Simone has her eye on the West End. Make room, Soho.
- I’m representing BBS and Sweaty Betty in Kingston
OK, one of my two biases is also my fifth reason to join the campaign. Although not a dancer in the classical sense, I have so much fun conjuring what rhythm remains from my teenage years practising belly dance. I took to the workout like a bee to honey, and I loved the super-sweet high that lasted for days after. The moves are athletic, performed to simple choreographic counts, and matched to upbeat music you’ll carry on singing all the way home. If I can do it, you certainly can too. And I’m so excited for the opportunity to roll out this high-energy workout for Sweaty Betty and Body By Simone. I’ll be taking the class in Sweaty Betty’s Kingston boutique on select dates in September – stay tuned for specifics!
Still not convinced? You can’t not love the look of this sneak peek into Body By Simone in action…
For Body By Simone updates and to book in for classes, look out for more official campaign info coming soon on For news about where to take my classes and more ways to get involved in Sweaty Betty’s biggest ever Get Fit 4 Free campaign, keep an eye on my Twitter and Instagram feeds.
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